Monday 21 October 2013

Cut the legs and thrown in the fire,because lazy to work

# In Austria , people are unemployed they will be interviewed and determined whether or not fit for work . If a person is eligible to work and given a job , but he refused , then the benefits or unemployment compensation should he receive will be cut. # A 56 -year -old man has been unemployed since 2003 afraid he examined and found fit for work . He had cut his feet with an electric mower threw her feet into the fire so that doctors can not connect again. # In doing so , he hopes that the problem will be completed and will be found to be fit for work and Peace mengangurnya allowances deducted. # In fact, he wanted to work but he's just worried lest he might later work did not like , said the unfortunate man 's wife . # After a cut on his leg a bit of ankle, he then called an ambulance for help . He nearly died of blood loss due to the actions . And his legs could not be saved due to severe burns . # So unfortunately the officials said he will be re-examined after a healthy future and a missing leg condition that does not stop to be working .... kantoi ! # Do not have , let us do such crazy work . Just think if the guy is very strong to endure all the pain and willing to cut his foot becomes disabled , why he is not strong to accept any work that will be given to him ? weird, right . # That's the sign that either strong or weak we are very dependent on how we handle our mental . Imagine the problems that will come when they will not come just ruin our appetite only. Normally the mind will make a big deal until we are not willing to come. # If you have a problem like that, you just have to say to yourself , ' stop thinking about the problem before it really comes , it comes later when the new thinking ' and start think of anything else more meaningful.

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